Single Review: Bay Bryan - Sticky Shadows


Manchester-based musician Bay Bryan is so much more than a singer-songwriter, he is a storyteller. This notion is proven to be true through the meaningful narrative and dreamy lyricism within his latest single ‘Sticky Shadows.’ Whilst Bryan’s honey-like voice and emotive portrayals can be traced back to 2017, throughout his YouTube portfolio of open mic night performances, 'Sticky Shadows' is not only of another level in comparison but arguably, of another world. Yet, Bryan still manages to make 'Sticky Shadows' apart of your world too.

Whilst, we are all guilty of popping in our earphones and thinking up our very own music videos to whatever powerful or moving song we have on loop at the time, nothing is comparable to the simplistic setting and impactful movements produced throughout the music video for ‘Sticky Shadows’ which can be found on YouTube and will be featured below.

Bryan’s Americana/indie-folk song features a unique and innovative sound that encompasses a tale of internal struggle, to which many can relate, whether you refer to it as your demon, your bad habit, or your 'sticky shadow.' ‘Sticky Shadows’ is an apathetic song about the desperate desire to escape everything and a romanisation of all things freeing. Though Bryan has a clear vision and strong concept for his music, it is clear that he does not take himself too seriously, and is playful with the displays of his own melancholy experiences and yearning to be elsewhere.

It is the relatability of Bryan’s lyrics and his depiction of emotional intelligence. ‘Everything I say will be meaningful or meaningless, depending on the day, depending on whether I can let go of my Sticky Shadows.’ His lyrics are overcome with a sense of rawness and truthfulness, it is almost as if somebody has plugged in their earphones to Bryan's personal diary, and his hauntingly relatable reflections and thought processes are forced to harmonise and act as a more than tantalising song, for our ears only.

Whilst Bryan, at times, may question the 'meaningfulness' of what he has to say, 'Sticky Shadows' has demonstrated whilst we all may doubt ourselves at times, our perceptions and our reality, whilst co-existing, are not always aligned for it is clear to see that Bryan has coated 'Sticky Shadows' with pure personalisation, individuality, and meaning.

Words: Taylor Griffin