Single Review: Hayes & Y - Empty Orchestra


With band members originally from Bulgaria and Finland, Manchester-based Hayes & Y have had continued success in this country. The indie pop-rock band’s newest single ‘Empty Orchestra’ is undeniably one of their best yet.

Initially, this track provides an atmospheric soundscape through synth sounds and swelling chords. The lead vocals cut through with a unique and captivating sound; tasteful harmonies are layered above. There is something nostalgic within the patterns of the bass-line and chord progressions which is extremely pleasant to listen to.

When the chorus arrives, the thinner texture helps the listener to fully appreciate the high register of the vocals. The drum-line is equally as impressive as the other elements, adding rhythmic complexity beneath the drifting melodic lines. Also, the detailing in the rhythms of the guitar strumming takes this track to a new level.

After the chorus is heard a second time, the song strips back to a guitar riff enhanced by melodic voice-leading in the chords. A new melody is introduced here from which the rest of the track builds. The vocals begin quite vulnerably, then develop in rhythm and tone to become more climactic as the texture builds beneath. Soft synth chords bring the song to a natural close.

Modern and on-trend, yet beautifully crafted, Hayes & Y have proved once again their prowess in producing cinematic indie-pop bangers.

Words: Alice Hill