Single Review: Nicky Phillips - Echo

Nicky Phillips - Echo.png

With her strong roots in the indie-folk sphere, Nicky Phillips is striking out with her newest single ‘Echo’. The song presents a perfect marriage between melody and melancholy and is sure to captivate those who listen. Nicky’s vocals drift fluidly throughout the song, entwining with each shift in note to create a truly cohesive ensemble.

‘Echo’ is a benchmark for Nicky’s thematic choice of songs that explore both the holding onto and the letting go of love. Her crisp vocals blend effortlessly with the guitar that encapsulates the soul of indie and a passing whisper of country.

Vocal prowess is not where the song’s craftmanship ends. Where lyrics are concerned, ‘Echo’ is nothing short of a work of art. The reflective theme paired with the resonating reminder of the song’s message circle throughout the entire piece to evoke goosebumps. There is something mythical that borders on ethereal in the music that Nicky Phillips creates which places her amongst the highest calibre of indie talent. It’s safe to say that if ‘Echo’ is just the start of Nicky Phillip’s exploration into the theme of love, we can expect good things to follow.

Long after you’ve listened, you might just find that it echoes in your mind.

Words: Annabelle Daley-Yates